
The "Stack of Books" icon at the top right of the screen is one way to access the Datamine library; this help file, tutorials, system information and web resources are found here.

Each product has a dedicated menu, but will contain things like:

  • Datamine Web Site: access
  • Product Tutorial(s): discover the workflow behind block reserves generation, sequencing and short-term schedule preparation.
  • 3D Tutorial: learn more about the 3D window, visualization and simulations with this tutorial
  • Scripting Tutorial: automating Studio - how to use the powerful customization interface with useful scripted examples
  • Macros Tutorial: understand more about Studio's meta-language
  • Scripting COM Reference - for scripters and customizers: explore the Datamine Studio object model to provide functionally-rich automation scripts.
  • About Studio...: shows the current application version, plus access to useful system information and 3rd party credits

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